Clean The River

Once upon a time, there was a duck who had a simple request...

He is no ordinary duck...

But he is unbelievably supportive...

Even when you make mistakes... 

So, will you help the duck clean the river?




About The Game

Massive thanks to The Odin Project for hosting the TOP game jam. I have learned a lot from this project! I am thankful that the community has given me the motivation to create something that hopefully brings joy to the people who play it. 

Brainstorming stage:
I knew that I wanted the game to send a positive message to children (games, after all, have massive potential for shaping children's minds). I eventually chose a mathematical game that emphasizes preserving our environment, hence cleaning the river. The duck, also the icon of the game, plays an equally important role in shaping the game. I wanted to pass to children the message that failure is welcomed -- in fact, they are encouraged to fail! 

Hope that whoever stumbles upon this game enjoys it! 

Click here for the Github Repository


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Haha, I love that deeper purpose of the game. To inspire children to take care for environment. It's presented in a funny, light way. And it's different than other math games I played so far, in that you can choose your own calcualtions. Great work.

thank you for your comments DavidMatalik! glad you enjoyed it :D